
Aktivitäten auf Lanzarote

Mit einem der besten Klimas der Welt und seiner außergewöhnlichen Naturschönheit ist es ein wahres Vergnügen, auf Lanzarote im Freien zu sein. Es gibt wirklich für jeden etwas, aber besonders für Abenteuerlustige, Outdoor-Liebhaber und Sportbegeisterte. Die Inseln sind jährlich Gastgeber vieler internationaler Veranstaltungen, die Athleten und Fans gleichermaßen anziehen, wie zum Beispiel der Ironman Lanzarote, World Tour Events im Surfen, Kitesurfen, Windsurfen und Segeln. Entdecken Sie das kristallklare Unterwasserreich, egal ob Sie erfahrener Taucher oder absoluter Anfänger sind. Lernen Sie Surfen, Kajakfahren, Windsurfen oder gehen Sie einfach nur angeln.

Genießen Sie Laufen, Radfahren, Trekking und Wandern, Golfspielen oder sogar Paragliding. Wenn Sie nur ein Voyeur sind, dann erfreuen Sie Ihre Augen an der Naturschönheit, die uns umgibt. Was auch immer auf Ihrer Wunschliste steht … Adventure Holidays Lanzarote kann Ihnen helfen!

Wir bieten eine spannende Auswahl an Aktivitäten, von denen jede für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sorgt. Einzelheiten siehe unten:

  • Bird Watching

    Bird watching or bird video recording in Lanzarote

    We can ensure that you will capture some great sightings of many different species of birds, some of which will not be seen in your home country. Here on Lanzarote, for we have a variety of raptors, waders, migrating birds, and even rare birds native to these islands.

    We are familiar with the locations and timings of the year to maximise the opportunities for sightings or photographs. We can take you to locations which are not accessible for public vehicles.

    See Packages
  • e-Bikes

    e-Bikes and plane watching in Lanzarote

    We have the ideal solution: Instead of hiring a car, walking, or sweating on a bike, you can gracefully make your way around on our electric bikes and let the motor do all of the hard work.

    We provide a good quality e-bike for you to use daily. The mechanic has given it an inspection and safety check before you use it so you know that it is an almost new and reliable bike and not an old-bone shaker.

    See Packges
  • Horse Riding

    Horse riding holiday activity in Lanzarote

    Discover parts of the island with an exciting journey on various trails away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist areas. There are horses for all ages and all types of riders, from complete beginners to experienced riders.

    An experienced guide will lead you and ensure that everyone enjoys the ride out and you are suited to the right horse for your requirements. Everyone will be issued with a riding helmet and back protector to ensure all safety standards are met. FUN for every member of the family.

    See Packages
  • Indoor Climbing Centre

    indoor climbing centre on the Lanzarote island for family

    Whether you want a FUN experience or want to improve your fitness and coordination, this activity is for all family members. It is ideal for complete beginners and experienced climbers who want to challenge themselves further.

    All equipment and a qualified instructor are provided to ensure your safety is in good hands. You may get the bug and want to visit as often as you can to achieve more and variations to your experience

    See Packages
  • Pilates

    A group of people are doing pilate on a rooftop.

    Pilates can improve your posture, balance, and mobility, it is also good for muscle tone and joints. Many find it relieves stress and tension.

    It is ideal for men and women of all ages, and suitable for dancers or athletes who include it as part of their training to develop whole body strength and help with flexibility. It can also help reduce injury if you are not active in a sport or a gym member. We can provide small group classes or we can also provide one on one with a qualified instructor. 

    See Packages
  • Snorkeling

    A person wearing a mask and snorkel is swimming in the ocean

    Another world awaits you, the underwater world of Lanzarote. Our clear ocean will ensure that you will see an extensive selection of various species of fish just below the surface.

    We will provide you with fins, snorkel, mask, and boots for you to enjoy the experience. We can also supply a wet suit when necessary. You will be taken to a nearby sheltered cove to maximize the chance of seeing many species all around you. A few hours of family FUN together

    See Packages
  • Wine Tasting

    Wine-tasting activity in Lanzarote is a most

    You will visit the farmer’s area, where you will learn about the unique concept of growing grapes and producing wine here in Lanzarote. It's unique, like no other place in the world, not even another Canary Island.

    Then you will get an explanation of the primitive way some of the local farmers still process the wine, compared to the modern methods of today. You will now enjoy a large variety of different wines and grapes for you to taste and if you wish you can then purchase a bottle of your favourite wine which is not available in the supermarkets etc.

    And the good news is that you won’t need to drive back to your accommodation as we offer door to door service.

    See Packages
  • Massage

    A man is getting a massage at a spa in Lanzarote.

    There are various forms and styles of massage, from sports deep tissue massage treatments to relaxation and gentle massage.

    A licensed and experienced massage therapist will discuss your needs before each session and perform each massage.

    Each session can improve the condition and function of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and facia of the body. It can benefit people of all ages and varying levels of activity.

    We can offer treatment from either male or female professionals.

    See Packages
  • Island Tour

    A group of people posing for a picture on a rocky hillside on Lanzarote island

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip. We will explore the island together with an experienced guide in a quality vehicle suitable for the size of the group. We don’t have a fixed route, so let us know if you have somewhere specific which you want to be included, and we will do our best to please you whenever possible.

    Together, we will visit remote villages and see how the locals live, we will include some photo stops at some spectacular viewpoints. We plan to show you a variety of different places of interest and we intend to include some popular locations also where possible. 

    If you want we can stop off for some lunch to suit your requirements, or you can take a picnic. Get to see the REAL Lanzarote with us.

    See Packages
  • Escape Room

    A group of people standing in front of a sign that says escape room

    This is a FUN challenge of the mind suitable for families and small groups of participants, it appeals to your sense of adventure and teamwork. Ideal for both beginners and experienced players.

    A great idea for birthday celebrations and even good on a rainy day, or a chance to “escape from the SUN” You attempt to solve all of the clues and puzzles while hoping to beat the clock and escape from the room in time.

    Several groups have been successful while others don’t coordinate their skills before time runs out. Join us at our purpose built and professionally run escape centre.

    See Packages
  • Team Building

    A group of people are sitting on surfboards on a beach, TAKING PHOTO.

    Our experiential team and leadership packages improve productivity by employing appropriate tasks and carefully selected activities and locations to:

    • inspire best performance from employees and teams
    • learn leadership and communication skills
    • build stronger relationships with one anotherget strategic perspective
    • reducing stress and improving motivational levels

    Getting out of everyone’s comfort zones in this unique and stunning location is the best icebreaker to facilitate acquiring new knowledge and skills.

    See Packages
  • Trekking

    A group of people are standing in the desert talking and listening to Crazy David tour guide.

    All of our guided routes are tailored to suit the group's profile, with different grades and durations (see walk grades below). We can provide volcano treks where we explain the history of the eruptions and the different types of lava and minerals here on Lanzarote.

    We can arrange a coastal walk, benefit from the cool sea breeze, and escape from the people. We also offer a nature walk where we explain about the unique methods of farming and chat about the vegetation and plants here on Lanzarote.

    The walking won’t take your breath away but the scenery will.


    a). Difficult, challenging route, duration approx. 5 hours.

    b). Some level of difficulty, can be challenging in places, duration up to 4 hours.

    c). Fairly easy, non-challenging route, duration 2–3 hours.

    d). Easy flat route, duration up to 2 hours

    See Packages
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